What is WorldSkills
WorldSkills is the global hub for skills excellence and development. Through international cooperation and development between industry, government, organizations, and institutions, we promote the benefits of and need for skilled professionals through grass-roots community projects, skill competitions, and knowledge exchange. We show how important skills education and training is for youth, industries and society by challenging young professionals around the world to become the best in the skill of their choice.
WorldSkills is the collective voice for skills excellence and development in vocational, technological and service oriented careers around the globe. Since 1950 we have raised the awareness among youth, as well as their parents, teachers and employers, that our future depends on an effective skills training system. Today WorldSkills represents more than 45 skills in over 75 Member countries and regions, all working together with youth, educators and industries to help prepare the workforce and talent of today for the jobs of the future.
WorldSkills is not just a Competition though, it is a movement. By working within the six key areas of Research, Promoting Skills, Career Building, Education and Training, International Cooperation and Development, and Skills Competitions, WorldSkills will be the global hub for skills excellence and development with ongoing activities nationally, regionally and globally. The WorldSkills Foundation contributes with projects and initiatives that demonstrate the capacity for innovation and collaboration with partners, in order to leverage and build self-sustaining activities.
information source comes from WorldSkills website